WM WM785, WM963: Two Thanos Bigfig Variants with Stark Infinity Gauntlet Preview

Can't get enough of Thanos..?

That new Nano Gauntlet looks great though.

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  1. WM963 is an interesting variant, but I do not understand the orange eyes ... Hope the helmet is removable!

    1. This, someone needs to tell them that Thanos has blue eyes. Otherwise these figs are good

  2. That's amazing, but they messed up on the gauntlet as the infinity stones were gone when he wore it! lol


    1. But you can take it for the Hulk and for Thanos you just erase the stones... ;)

    2. They WERE on the nano gauntlet until Iron Man feigned trying to pull it off Thanos' hand while actually using nanotech to transfer the stones to himself.

  3. Glad to see they still plan to release the new mold (WM963) even it was delayed for so long. What amazes me that they even made a new Stark Gauntlet mold for him! Now I hope they could make new Infinity Gauntlet mold too (but if they didn't, we had POGO's as alternative). I wonder why they still want to sell WM785 which only had full body printing as the main selling point - wouldn't it be obvious people would buy the fully detailed one?


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