DTB DTB139: The Sniper (Moon Knight Villain) Minifig MOC

This guy is not popular at all. He's only ever appeared in one comic book and doesn't even have a name (but the title of the issue was Sniper). I still made a MOC of him though because 1) we want more villain minifigures and 2) he's easy to MOC.

He has a huge sniper in the comics (hence the name) so I built one with some spare parts.

Parts used:
Almost everything used were from generic SWAT/Military themed minifigures.
The body armor used was specifically from this Sembo SWAT minifigure set, but honestly I think there are better looking armors or minifigure torsos out there suitable for The Sniper. What I do like about the Sembo figures are their dual molded, removable arms.

Inspiration images:

I am so excited for the upcoming Moon Knight Disney Plus show. I recently read the Moon Knight comic from Warren Ellis (where The Sniper is seen) and it was amazing. Can't wait to see what the MCU has planned for him.

Also hoping for a new Moon Knight minifigure from the brands. Hopefully we get one soon.

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