WM WM6092: Wave 2 of Various Mandalorian Minifigures Preview

WM979 - Mandalorian
WM980 - Mandalorian
WM981 - Mandalorian
WM982 - Mandalorian
WM983 - Mandalorian
WM984 - Mandalorian
WM985 - Mandalorian
WM986 - Mandalorian

Not sure if these designs are just from WM or if they're based on real, existing Mandalorians. We'll update the names though if they're based on real ones!

This is technically a wave 2 of Mandalorian minifigures from WM; check out the first wave here.

Huge thanks to Raphael for the heads up!

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  1. the affiliate link is wrong from 10 posts ago

  2. anyone know if they fixed the helmet issue from wave 1?

  3. Other Mando weapons. The big 3 barrel gun on the top row is supposed to be the one Paz Vizla holds in "The Mandolorian".


  4. There are some mando weapons now, too. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001069791846.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.5ca73c007aJ3sl&mp=1

    I think some are ok, but the quickdraw carbine is awful.


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