DTB DTB175: Faiza Hussain (Captain Britain/Excalibur) Minifigure MOC

Dr. Faiza Hussain aka Excalibur because she wields Excalibur was also Captain Britain for a while. (There was controversy with this, but if you read the comics you would know that the Captain Britain name is just a title; recently, Psylocke even became Captain Britain.)

Parts used:
Head - Valkyrie (XH813)
Armor - Back side of Heroic Knight's Armor (LEGO/XH523)
Sword/Excalibur - GoT White Walker (XP172)
Others - Generic

The armor will end up having knight themed prints on the back though; you can erase these with a pencil eraser though. Alternatively, you might want to look at the Ninjago kendo armor pieces that look like they could fit.

If you don't want the armor, you could look at White Canary (XH729/PG275); I didn't use this though since the torso looked a bit too tactical.

Image inspirations:

I initially wanted to use this design for Faiza for the minifigure, but couldn't find many female torsos in white that weren't revealing. There were many Rey minifigures but it showed too much skin which I think would go against Faiza's Muslim background. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)

Then I read through Secret Empire and saw her with the Champions of Europe. As I was reading, I thought of using the Lego kendo [from Ninjago] armor. At the time, I didn't have one lying around though and it had shoulder pads which she doesn't have.

Then I read through Valkyrior and saw her again while a few moments later also finding a spare armor piece that I thought was a good enough replica of what she wears in the comics these days.

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