DOLL D380: Various 2020 Iron Man Minifigure Knockoffs Short Review

These DOLL Minifigures actually came with some jetpack accessories, but I decided not to build them anymore. Plus, they didn't come with their boxes (although they typically would've).

Check out the preview image of DOLL D380 here.

Let's start with these four. The designs of War Machine and Rescue (leftmost and rightmost) are from Lego's 2020 sets but I didn't have any of them to borrow and compare. The two in the middle are somewhat original to DOLL. Although, one of them is just MK 85 with the new helmet (vs the original Lego Iron Man helmet).

Quality-wise, these are pretty decent. Some legs were a bit loose, but not too loose that it's hard to make them stand. The plastic felt cheaper and a bit lighter, but the good prints made them look better. You'll notice the cheaper plastic quality on the heads especially when you compare them to Lego.

The camera can't capture it well, but those heads look weird. Not a big deal for me though since the helmets will cover them anyway and these helmets were pretty decent (minus some design concerns, especially for the ones below).

Here's another shot of the head which is a bit lighter (in color) than the typical Lego flesh head.

Can you guess which of these two is from official Lego? It's the right one. Quality is generally better for Lego's version, which is expected given the exponentially higher price. Although, if you just want this new Iron Man minifigure variant, just get the original Lego version since there's a huge supply of it and hence a cheap price.

Comparing the two, the plastic that DOLL used is a bit brighter than the dark red that Lego used. Plus, Lego's helmet prints are much better and larger. 

DOLL's face prints also look a bit off.

Here's Mark 2 and here you'll see how much better Lego's minifigures are. (But again, that's cause Lego's are much more expensive.) Also, DOLL can't seem to print silver/shiny pieces which is why there are weird grey blobs on the helmet and torso while in Lego's minifigure, it's a shiny/silver print.

Now for these two that I really wanted: Blazer and Tazer. There are currently no other Lego Blazer Iron Man knockoff or Lego Tazer Iron Man knockoff. This is the closest we have to knockoffs and they're not great. Don't get me wrong, the quality of these figures are decent but the designs look off especially when they're right beside Lego's [way more expensive minifigures].

So generally, these are decent Iron Man minifigures. I hope that we see other brands making these same designs for cheaper alternatives (where are you when we need you, XINH?). If you can afford them though, just get the original Lego Iron Man minifigures while they're at peak supply hence at their cheapest. Still, Tazer and Blazer go for around USD 20 each which is really expensive compared to knockoff lego minifigures whose prices are usually from around USD 1.

Typically, XINH or POGO would've released clones of the official Lego minifigures but we're not seeing them so far, since 2020. Part of me is sad that's the case but another part is happy because it's gonna influence or encourage Lego Knockoff collectors to start collecting original Lego minifigures alongside their knockoffs.

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Check out the preview image of DOLL D380 here.

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