DTB DTB067: Gladiator Hulk (Thor Ragnarok) Minifig MOC

Because why not! Haha

Parts used:
Helmet - Roman Soldier
Blue shoulder pad - Thor from Thor Ragnarok
Brown arm - Generic
Weapons - Generic / He-Man (Kopf)
Everything else - Hulk from SY

I also colored the legs black to give that black shorts look.

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  1. Just ordered an extra Thor so I can copy this. Excellent idea. Always like to have a minifigure of my bigfigs when I can. Very cool.
    Really want a minifig Juggernaut.

    1. Thanks! And yeah this is good for people who want to display the character but don't have enough space for their bigfigs haha and I've been thinking of a minifig Juggernaut, but I have no idea which parts to choose yet

  2. I made a big shit everyday. Because why not! Haha


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