First previewed here!
Can't get enough Rhino??? Which one is your favorite?
On the left is POGO's Rhino and on the right is Decool's Rhino.
While POGO's Rhino does have more details, Decool's simplicity is also great. (Plus, POGO's implementation of the design isn't perfect anyway.)
Like Decool's, POGO Rhino has two horns, but are removable unlike Decool Rhino's. Also, you can see that an eye design is printed on the sides of Rhino's head.
Back view. POGO Rhino's muscles are more defined.
The head can be taken apart like that which I find weird but oh well.
Also, like the other POGO bigfigs, compatibility is an issue.
At least the hands seem to be modular.
Reviewed Juggernaut here.
Reviewed Lizard and Clayface here.
A decent bigfig, but not wow. I wouldn't call it a bad fig too. POGO's recent superhero minifigs have improved and I hope that if they decide to make more waves of bigfigs, that they improve too. Regardless, I'll always try to review them for you guys!
In the meantime, more reviews are coming from my old and new AngeloMarcus Greenhills hauls! Stay tuned!
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I customized my Rhino!