POGO PG1301-PG1304: Various Bottled Drink Mascot Minifigs Review

First previewed here!

A couple of bootleg brands from a bootleg company.

Quality. Okay, it's not the best. The plastic feels cheap and looks cheap, but it's pretty solid. The prints aren't as bright and sharp as we'd want too..

A view of the back. Same issue with the prints. Not too bright, not too sharp. If you look at Fanta Mascot's back too, there a clear squarish area that's lacking in print.

Side views. Good amount of details on the sides, but not so good implementation.

View of the top. The bottle caps are painted their respective colors.

Underneath the costumes, we get some interesting torso designs that sadly have those thick, blurry prints.. Such a shame! Fanta's fig specifically has issues with colors since the shoulder [on the torso] has the same color as the shirt..

Same deal at the back.

If you wanna fill your collections with mascots, these guys are okay additions, but they're not wow. I think I ever prefer POGO's fruit/food mascots..

Still, it's a welcome addition since we don't really have mascots for drinks yet. AngeloMarcus Greenhills has yet to have the Chinese milk/drink carton mascots yet though. If they do arrive, expect reviews, but expect them to be of similar quality to these guys too.

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