XINH 886: Supergiant Minifig Review (Comparison with PG453)

Previewed in this set.

On the right (darker blue skin) is PG453 (separately reviewed here).

I think that POGO's design is more for the comics while XINH's is more MCU styled, even though Supergiant isn't in the MCU. I think that difference makes getting these two justifiable instead of just getting one.

For quality, well XINHwins.. The plastic feels great and is that right amount of gloss. The print is also good, though it's worth noting that the white isn't as bright as you'd expect mainly because it's on black plastic.

I find it weird that she's smiling though, I would've preferred a face like POGO's that was more serious. Though it's not a dealbreaker.

Side views. XINH has more details!

XINH's details also extend until the legs, which I think is great. She also doesn't have an alternate face for both which still makes sense because sometimes her look doesn't include the hood.

This just shows how much better XINH's methods are over POGO.. Still hopefuly that POGO will improve, but I've also lowered my expectations.

For now, my Black Order is still incomplete, but I know that AngeloMarcus Greenhills already stocked up on SY Cull Obsidian and I'm excited to pass by! Hoping they've still got stocks..

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  1. Pogo's design is a copy of Engineerio, and Xinh's designs is from the Lego Super Heroes 2 Game


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