Duo Le Pin DLP9084: Velocity Suit Spider-Man, PS4 Spider-Man, and More with Spider Mech Combiner Preview

Not too happy about some of the repeats, but the new ones are amazing.

XINH did release a PS4 Spider-Man suit way back, but it's great to see another variant (that also seems different from XINH's) since only one of those has been made and has been in high demand.

Perhaps the highlight of the set though is the Velocity suit, also from the PS4 game!

I still don't have the recent SY/DLP releases, but once I've saved up a bit more, I'll try and pick them up from AngeloMarcus Greenhills. Hopefully we see less repeats in the future though, ehem Toxin bigfig, ehem.

Let's break up the mechs though.
Lepin previewed a clone of the official set.
Duo Le Pin on the other hand previewed another minifig set with a Venom mech combiner instead.

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