POGO PG8187: Marvel Venomverse, Poison-X, and Venomized Minifigs Preview

Hopefully POGO has improved..

PG1637 - Doctor Doom (Poison)
PG1638 - Spider-Man (Poison)
PG1639 - Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider (Venomverse)
PG1640 - Colossus (Venomized)
PG1641 - Black Panther (Venomverse)
PG1642 - Wolverine/Logan (Venomized)
PG1643 - Cyclops (Poison-X)
PG1644 - Captain America (Venomverse)

KORUIT also has a Captain America Venomverse minifig in case you're interested.

A Poison is an enemy of the Symbiotes and in this set, there are only two Poisons: Doctor Doom and Spider-Man. The others are all our usual heroes but have bonded with Symbiotes.

Venomverse, Poison-X, and Venomized are story arcs in the comics. It all started with Venomverse, then Poison-X happens which involves the X-Men Blue team. Then it concludes/concluded with Venomized.

I have read Venomverse and I loved the designs in them, but I think I prefer the Poison's designs. After seeing these designs, I might end up reading Poison-X and Venomized as well!

Still want new characters though, maybe new Symbiotes that aren't just variants of old heroes.

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