XINH X0250: Star Force and Other Captain Marvel Minifigs Preview

This is great timing. Better timing than the usual MCU-related sets cause it's right before the film!

XINH 1196 - Minn-Erva
XINH 1197 - Skrull
XINH 1198 - Nick Fury
XINH 1199 - Phil Coulson
XINH 1200 - Yon-Rogg
XINH 1201 - Korath
XINH 1202 - Bron-Char
XINH 1203 - Att-Lass

Hoping we'll see classic Kree and class Skrull figs some time in the future too!

Seems like the Skrull fig is the same as TLG's except for the hair mold? I think I prefer XINH's old Skrull though!

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  1. I'm so thankful that XINH makes the figures TLG won't. Can't wait to get these.

  2. Classic uniform of the Kree would be nice....oh I also would like to have a Marvel Boy


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