Lele D157-D172: Avengers Endgame Clone Knockoff Minifigs Preview

D157 - Captain Marvel
D158 - Nebula
D159 - Thanos
D160 - Outrider
D161 - Chitauri
D162 - Thor
D163 - Hawkeye
D164 - Rocket Raccoon

D165 - War Machine
D166 - Iron Man MK 50
D167 - Captain America
D168 - Hulk
D169 - Ant-Man
D170 - Iron Man MK 41
D171 - Iron Man MK 1
D172 - Iron Man MK 5

These seem to be accurate to TLG's designs. I hope AngeloMarcus Greenhills gets these in stock because I'm really into that Chitauri minifig, but I do hope some brand rereleases those since those are pretty hard to find now.

The sets have been previewed by both Sheng Yuan and Lepin as well, in case you want the builds too.

If you, for some reason, can't get enough of these Quantum Realm designs, here are the others:

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  1. So far this looks like my favorite knockoff set for Endgame, especially with the proper molds for Ant Man and Cap... I've been debating grabbing one of the existing sets and now I think I'll wait to see these.


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