XINH vs Kopf vs WM: X0251 Avengers Endgame Quanum Realm Suits Comparison with Other Brands

Kopf - XINH - WM
I won't bother doing the other figs individually because they're all practically the same, head-wise, so I'll just compare Ant-Man with Kopf's and WM's. The torso is really the important part if you haven't decided which brand to buy.

My preferred torso is still Kopf's because of the seamless, edge-to-edge printing. XINH tries to do it too but as you can see, gaps are present. Might be an isolated case but out of all my Kopf Quantum Realm suits, none had this issue.

The sides have differences too, and I'm honestly just happy they're doing these at all since even TLG's figs don't have side prints.

Oh and XINH's helmet might look like a copy of TLG's, but it's using the wrong mold. So far only Lele's Quantum Realm Avengers has the right Ant-Man helmet mold. (And Lepin's War Machine Buster too.

This is actually XINH's Wave 2 which copies and arguably improves TLG's design.

The other Quantum Realm suits so far:

I really hope that list doesn't get any longer.. :/ I think we've had enough Quantum Realm suits. Even AngeloMarcus Greenhills knows this that's why they only got Ant-Man, Iron Man, and War Machine in stock from XINH since the others are practically the same as each other.

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  1. Hoping he also gets Rocket eventually, you know those printed short legs the other ones don't have.


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