XINH X0230: Overwatch Minifigs Review (Comparison with Lepin D.Va and Reinhardt)

First previewed here.
I've said in the preview that some of them are not accurate and we'll look into that more below. 

XINH 1039 - D.Va
XINH 1040 - Reinhardt
XINH 1041 - McCree
XINH 1042 - Reaper
XINH 1043 - Soldier 76
XINH 1044 - Hanzo
XINH 1045 - Mercy
XINH 1046 - Tracer

On the picture, there are two mechs. Those two are from Lepin's Overwatch line; the mechs are great and surprisingly Lepin's minifigs are too. Though more importantly, Lepin seems to have gotten the molds correctly! More below. 

On the left is Lepin's gun, the correct mold. On the right is XINH's, which isn't the correct mold but it gets the job done for the most part. 

On the left is Lepin and on the right is XINH. I prefer XINH's prints, but Lepin's isn't so bad too.

XINH really has better prints in my opinion.

XINH's Reinhardt came with this hammer. I'm not sure if Lepin's did (I just borrowed the Lepin ones.)
Though XINH for sure does not have the helmet. (Lepin came with a spare white hair piece too though.)

Lepin's plastic here looks a bit off though.

Now for Soldier 76 and Reaper, both from XINH.

The gun molds, for Reaper at least, are wrong. Though again, they still do the job.

Not bad?

Now for McCree and Mercy. 

These are the accessories they came with.

Glad to see that XINH invested in the right Mercy mold.

McCree's cape/cloak.

Some print issues on Mercy's headband.

Tracer and Hanzo.

Wrong gun mold for Tracer again.

XINH invested in the right hair mold for Hanzo!

It's like XINH anticipated us to get Lepin's Overwatch clones and so they didn't make the correct molds for D.Va and Reinhardt. Glad to see the others got correct molds. I just wish they invested in the gun mold because I think that's a useful mold that other figs could use in the future.

XINH X0230 Grading:
 Plastic Quality: 5/5
No issues here.

Print Quality: 4.5/5
Some small issues with scratches etc., but generally good.

Build Quality: 3.5/5
No instructions for the guns. The wrong molds also factor in, but I think those fit better in design choice.

Design Choice: 3/5
Wrong molds. Designs are good but they're still clones. As far as clones though, they're the first to make them that are worth it. Sheng Yuan's Overwatch clones are way off. POGO's [and others'] Overwatch figs aren't based on TLG designs and were pretty decent but are a bit old now.

I think these are pretty worth getting but if you can, just get the originals while they're at peak supply! For those who can't find or afford the originals, at least these are options.

AngeloMarcus Greenhills has had this in stock for a while now, I think as a set only but I'm not sure. I think it's fine if they're in sets because all the figs are pretty decent anyway. For those not in the Philippines, here is an AliExpress affiliate link:

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